Our research encompasses the following scenarios:
1.UV/visible driven photocatalysis for pollutant degradation and disinfection;
2.Magnetophoretic separation using magnetic nanoparticles;
3.Reactive membrane separation and pollutant removal;
4.Nanoscale imaging and quantifying material properties;
5.Reactive nanobubbles and engineering applications;
6.Microplastics characterization and environmental behavior;
7.Recovery of Li and Co from spent Lithium ion batteries with green chemical processes.
Patents submitted by or granted to Zhang’s group
1. Patent Title: Reactive electrochemical membrane filtration. Status: Granted
Data of submission or granted: 05/05/2020
2. Patent Title: Microfluidic cell for atomic force microscopy. Status: Granted
Data of submission or granted: 07/14/2020
3. Patent Title: Microwave-assisted Antifouling Membrane Filtration System. Status: Granted
Data of submission or granted: 03/10/2020
4. Patent Title: Generation of nanobubbles using a surface functionalized ceramic nanofiltration membrane.
Status: Granted. Data of submission or granted: 12/2021
5. Patent Title: Electromagnetic Induction Membrane pervaporation. Status: Applied/under examination
Data of submission or granted: 9/5/2021
6. Patent Title: An Electrified Membrane Flow-cell for Nitrogen Fertilizer Production from Wastewater.
Status: Granted. Data of submission or granted: 02/27/2022
SELECTED Research projects
1. PI. EPA: Ozone Nanobubble Water for Pathogen Control and Disinfection in Food Processing and Equipment Cleaning.
Award/Agreement No.: NP-96259122-0. Total: $ $332,132. Start Date: September 30, 2022 and End Date: September 29, 2025.
2. PI. 2022-2023 NJIT’s 2022 Technology Innovation Translation and Acceleration (TITA) Program Funding ($75,000)-High- efficient inactivation of airborne viruses using a microwave-enabled air filtration system.
3. PI. NSF-BSF: Electrified Membrane System for Chemical-Free Nitrogen Recovery from Nitrate Contaminated Water.
Award number: 2215387. Start Date: September 1, 2022 and End Date: August 31, 2025.
4. PI. US Bureau of Reclamation: Omniphobic interfacial heating membranes with robust antifouling, antiwetting performance and superior thermal efficiency in membrane distillation.
Award number: R22AC00433. Start Date: May 1, 2022 and End Date: June 30, 2024.
5. PI. EPA. P3 phase II: Microwave-Catalytic Membrane for PFAS Degradation and Antiviral Applications.
Grant number: SV84041901. Duration: 7/1/2022-06/30/2024
6. Project Title: Interfacially Engineered Membranes for Simultaneous Microwave Catalysis and Liquid Filtration.
Funded by Interfacial Engineering Program from the Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental,
and Transport Systems Division (CBET).
Award number: 2025374. Duration: 09/01/2020-08/31/2023
7. Project Title: PFI-TT: Electrochemically Reactive Membrane Filtration for Enhanced Recalcitrant Pollutant Removal.
Partnerships for Innovation (PFI), Division of Industrial Innovation and Partnerships, National Science Foundation.
Award number: 2016472. Duration: 09/01/2020-08/31/2022
8. Project Title: Electromagnetic Induction Interfacial Heating for High-Efficiency Membrane Distillation.
Funded by The U.S. Department of the Interior via Bureau of Reclamation.
Agreement number: R19AC00107. Duration: 02/14/2020-02/13/2021
9. Project Title: Microwave-assisted Reactive and Antifouling Membrane Filtration for Water Purification.
Funded by The U.S. Department of the Interior via Bureau of Reclamation.
Agreement number: R19AC00106. Duration: 02/14/2020-02/13/2021
10. Project Title: Characterization of facet-dependent properties of crystalline nanomaterial.
Funded by the US National Science Foundation (NSF),
Award number: 1756444. Duration: 09/01/2018-08/31/2021
11. Project Title: Use of Novel Nanobubble Watering Processes for Enhanced Plant Growth and Pathogen Control.
Funded by State Department of Agriculture (USDA): Agriculture Systems and Technology: Nanotechnology
for Agricultural and Food Systems.
Award number: 2019-67021-29450. Duration: 05/15/2019-05/04/2022
12. Project Title: Development of Reactive Nanobubble Systems for Efficient and Scalable Harmful Algae and Cyanotoxin
Funded by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) via the P3 phase II grant.
Agreement number: 84001901. Duration: 7/1/2020-06/30/2021
13. Project Title: Lithium recovery from waste/spent lithium ion battery (LIB) using green chemical processes.
Funded by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) via the Pollution Prevention (P2) program.
Agreement number: NP96259118. Duration: 10/1/2018-10/30/2021
14. Project Title: NSF: I-Corp: Reactive Nanobubbles Technology for Green and Sustainable Environmental and
Agricultural Applications.
Award Number: 1912367. Duration: 01/25/2019-07/25/2021
15. Project Title: New Jersey Water Resources Research Institute (NJWRRI), USGS: Carbon-Metal Nanohybrids (CMNHs)-
Impregnated Reactive Electrochemical Membrane (REM) Filtration for PFAS Removal.
Duration: 06/01/2020-05/30/2021
16. Project Title: New Jersey Water Resources Research Institute (NJWRRI), USGS: Effects of Microbubble Formation on
Sediment Pollutant Resuspension.
Duration: 06/01/2020-05/30/2021
17. Project Title: New Jersey Water Resources Research Institute (NJWRRI), USGS: Assessment of Spent Lithium-ion
Batteries on Surface Water Quality: Delineating Baseline Level Changes of Lithium, Cobalt and Lithium
Duration: 06/01/2020-05/30/2021
18. Project Title: New Jersey Water Resources Research Institute (NJWRRI), USGS: Electrochemical Device Development for
Detection and Removal of Perfluorinated Substances in Water.
Duration: 06/01/2020-05/30/2021